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  • 元洲装饰成立于1997年,历经十六年的稳健发展,现已成为集家居装饰设计、家居产品设计、家居体验式卖场于一体的大型家居装饰企业。目前,元洲装饰以北京为管理服务中心,旗下拥有20余家直营公司、50余家特许加盟公司,服务网络遍布全国。 Yuanzhou Decorate was established in 1997, after 16 years' steady development, now has become a large home decoration enterprise in home decoration design, product design, home furnishing experience stores。 Now, Yuanzhou Decorate makes Beijing as management service center, and we also have more than 20 retail stores andmore than 50 franchisees, our service is all over China。 多年发展中,元洲装饰始终坚持以推动行业发展为己任,遵循“家装-家居-人居环境”的发展战略,“以家为本,将爱一生”的家居理念,开创了多项行业领先的家居家装经营模式。 During these years’development,Yuanzhou Decorate always adheres to the responsibility to promote the development of the industry, abides the development strategy of “home decoration - home furnishing - living environment”,the home furnishing idea of “Oriented family, love life”, creating numbers of industry-leading home decorate business model。 十余年来,元洲装饰在体验、设计、工程、产品、服务等家居整体环节中不断苦练内功,以卓有成效的集团化发展轨迹,整合环保家居产业链,形成元洲多品牌繁荣的格局:以元洲主品牌为依托,创立发展智上名筑、元景精工装、百滋橱柜、幔乐布艺、思唯德投资咨询等多个子品牌;并与国内外诸多著名品牌进行深度合作,设计、工程、产品、服务、产品多管齐下,真正实现了同风格、同材质、同工艺的完整家居。 During these years, Yuanzhou Decorate focuses on experience, design, construction, products and service。 With effective group development trajectory, we integrate environmental home industry chain, and then forms multi-brand prosperity patterns: as the basis of the brand named “Yuanzhou”, the accessorial brands of “Yuanzhou” have been established, which are “Zhishang?Mingzhu” high class design service institute, “Baizi Cupboard”, “Manle Cloth Art”, “Swisdom Investment Consulting Firm”, and have corporation with Many well-known brands at domestic and abroad, achieve to make home furnishing with same style, same material and same process。




